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Continuing Education Resources for Library Staff

Free Online Learning Resources

Training resources from the State Library of Oregon are supported in whole by the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act administered by the State Library of Oregon.
The following resources are available to staff, volunteers, and board members from all Oregon academic, public, school, and tribal libraries.

Training Calendar

View upcoming training events related to services and programs offered by the State Library of Oregon and free online training events as compiled by the State Library of Wyoming in the new training calendar. New events are added weekly and online conferences are listed below the calendar.

Basic Library Skills Academy

The State Library is pleased to announce the new Basic Library Skills academy -- open and free to everyone. This new academy covers introductory level tutorials and webinars on collection development, technical services, public programming and services, and more. Directors can use this resource to help onboard new staff and volunteers; staff can learn more about the overall operations of a library. No registration or user account necessary; however with a user account, Niche Academy will help you pick up where you left off.

New in the Oregon Library Staff Academy (Niche Academy):

Each week, the latest tutorials and recorded webinars are collected in their own category, New Tutorials and Webinars. Highlights include:

And many more can be found in the New Webinars and Tutorials section. 

Need access to Oregon’s Library Staff Academy? Just fill out this form (available to Oregon library staff, volunteers, and board members). Then you can get started here:

Trainings by Ryan Dowd

  • Already registered for the academy? Then you're ready to access it here!
  • Need to register for access? Sign up here!
  • Monthly webinars hosted by Ryan Dowd are free to Oregon all library staff, volunteers, and board members. Please sign-up to receive registration announcements.
  • Recordings of Dowd's monthly webinars are now available in Dowd's academy. Future recordings will be added shortly after the live event. This resource is available to Oregon library staff, volunteers, and board members.


  • ​LYRASIS offers free live webinars, free information sessions, and demonstrations of software and services. ​ 
  • ​Oregon staff can also save on other classes and eventsWhen registering, use these steps:
    1. Click on "Checkout as Non-Member of LYRASIS"
    2. Use your library's address on the registration form
    3. And use OSL22-23 for the Promo Code on the payment page

People Connect Institute (PCI) Webinars

Each Wednesday from 11:00a - 12:00p PT, explore new, relevant topics during a live webinar from People Connect Institute. These webinars will also be recorded and available about one week later in the Oregon Library Staff Academy / PCI Webinars category. For titles and registration information, please visit the PCI Webinars section. This resource is available to Oregon library staff, volunteers, and board members.

Statewide Databases

  • Gale/Cengage is the statewide subscription for magazine/journal/news articles, reference eBooks, statistics, images, audio, and video content); for training resources and more, visit this resource page on Gale/Cengage.
  • EBSCO LearningExpress Library is the statewide subscription for practice tests, skills-building for math, reading, and writing, computer skills tutorials, e-books and career development tools; for training resources and more, visit this resource page on EBSCO LearningExpress Library.

Tech-Talk Newsletter (electronic)

Provides how-to technology,  communications, and leadership tips. While not written specifically for library staff, the State Library regularly receives positive feedback about this service. 

  • Sign up to receive the weekly e-newsletter
  • View archived webinars and attend upcoming webinarsuse username and password near the top of each e-newsletter when prompted
  • Access resources on their website, use username and password near the top of each e-newsletter when prompted.


The following calendar shows free online training events as compiled by the Maine State Library and training events related to services and programs offered by the State Library of Oregon. To see a text version this month's free events listed by category, please visit the WebJunction page on Free Training or download the PDF version. ​Online conferences are listed below the calendar.

Use the drop down arrow next to the Agenda tab to select one or both calendars to view: "State Library of Oregon" and/or the "Continuing Education Calendar".

Online conferences, registration is free unless noted otherwise:


June 20, 2024, 12:00 - 3:00 pm PT, The Supportive Library: Helping Patrons Experiencing Homelessness (Library 2.0)

From a librarian’s perspective, when we think of patrons experiencing homelessness, we automatically know and understand that they are an especially vulnerable population. We also know that to work in libraries is to be on the forefront of homelessness. However, while we are working directly with vulnerable patrons, many of us may not know how to help someone who is unhoused or who is experiencing food or other insecurities. We may not understand why they don’t trust us, or why they are striking out angrily toward us. We may not know the mental challenges or trauma they are experiencing or the loneliness and isolation they are feeling. In turn, this can expose our own vulnerabilities. [Read more.]

June 27, 2024, 12:00 - 2:30 pm PT, Teaching and Learning with AI (Learning Revolution)

While AI technologies have many dramatic benefits, there are also challenges and concerns expressed by professionals, students, and educators about the impact of these new technologies on teaching and learning and the information ecosystem as a whole. Some are reasonably concerned about protecting privacy and confidentiality of students while using generative AI tools and ensuring equity and accessibility. Others worry about ethics, plagiarism, bias, misinformation, transparency, and the loss of critical thinking. And all in the learning professions are wondering how AI might allow or require changes in pedagogy and curricula.


Have a topic you'd like to suggest for a presentation and/or discussion? Please let us knowLooking for recordings from previous Topic Talks? See below the upcoming schedule.


Check back soon for new topics in 2022!


October 27, 2021 - Oregon Job Seekers: Who They Are and How Libraries Can Help

As extended unemployment benefits come to an end this summer, libraries anticipate an increase in the number of job seekers in their communities. This session will provide an overview of Oregon job seekers, focusing on trends and emerging areas of employment as the Oregon economy recovers. It will also present information about the characteristics of current job seekers and provide ideas for designing services to better support this important group of library users.  

Presenters: Liza Morehead, Research & Data Analyst, Worksystems, Inc. (A 501(c)3 non-profit organization that pursues and invests resources to improve the quality of the workforce in the City of Portland, Multnomah and Washington Counties.) Michele Martin, Director of Technical Assistance, Director of New Start Career Network & NJ Career Network Online Job Seeker CommunityJohn J. Heldrich, Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Video recording: Video recording: Niche Academy (with slides, resources, etc.) or YouTube.

October 13, 2021 - Virtual Meet-up with Library Support & Development Services

Meet the Staff! Join your friendly library support staff this hour to hear about who we are and what we're up to. Bring your questions, all are welcome! Hosted by the Library Support staff: Greta Bergquist, Jennifer Cox, Ross Fuqua, Darci Hanning, Jennifer Mauer, Tamara Ottum, Arlene Weible, Ferol Weyand, and Program Manager, Buzzy Nielsen. 

Video recording: YouTube 

July 20, 2021 - Northwest Digital Heritage

Katie Henry (Oregon Heritage Commission), Evan Robb (Washington State Library), and Ross Fuqua (State Library of Oregon) hosted a session (including Q&A) about the new cross-state, interagency partnership, Northwest Digital Heritage. Learn about this new program which seeks to help public libraries and heritage organizations in Oregon build and share their historic and cultural collections broadly through a newly established, regional service hub of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA).

Video recording: YouTube

March 30, 2021 - Learn all about: Oregon Documents Depository

Jey Wann, Oregon Documents Coordinator, discusses the history of the Oregon Documents Depository Program, describes how to access State Library’s Oregon Documents Collection, and features some interesting, useful, fun, and even wacky, Oregon government publications.

Reference librarian Dave Hegeman covers the many ways Oregon documents can be used to reference, including laws and rules, statistics, and notable reference sources.

Video recording: Niche Academy (with slides, resources, etc.) or YouTube 

March 16, 2021 - County Law Libraries and YOU

Oregon’s county law libraries provide invaluable services to the general public and legal community. They provide specialized legal resources and staff guidance to assist with legal matters and research.

In this session, join Amy Gregory from the Washington County Law Library and Jenny Pedersen from Deschutes Public Library to learn more about Oregon’s law libraries. Amy and Jenny will share examples of services offered by county law libraries, the types of resources available, and how the public can access those services and resources.

Video recording: Niche Academy (with slides, resources, etc.) or YouTube.

January 13, 2021 - Shared Learning: Providing Trauma-Informed Services in Small and Rural Libraries

How can staff in small and rural libraries adopt a trauma-informed approach without access to the resources that a larger library or a library in an urban community may have? That's just what several Oregon librarians set out to learn by participating in a recent Infopeople course, "Providing Trauma-Informed Services in Small and Rural Libraries." Come listen to their take-aways and hopefully leave with some of your own!

Video recording: Niche Academy (with additional resources) or YouTube.

December 9, 2020 - Winning Library Grants: An In-Depth Approach

Ready to learn the best method for writing grant proposals to give you the competitive edge? Discover how to plan and write grant proposals, including the nitty-gritty essentials of needs assessments, project development, and outcome measurement. Find out who gives funding best suited for your library and how to find grant applications (including five free resources for finding grant library funders and a funder’s wish list). Join Stephanie Gerding as she shares common grant proposal components and the top five tips for writing winning proposals. Your grant work will become easier and more effective! Access to the recording is limited to Oregon library staff, volunteers, board members, Friends and foundation members, please request access here.

December 2 - Winning Library Grants: Beginner Tips in 30 Minutes

Are you new to grant writing? Stephanie Gerding’s webinars are known for being practical and easy to understand. Learn the basic process of grant work and the shortcuts that will enable you to start winning grants now. Discover the most important thing to keep in mind when doing library grant work, easy planning steps, grant sources for beginners, and the top ten tips for success. You CAN win grants for your library! Access to the recording is limited to Oregon library staff, volunteers, board members, Friends and foundation members, please request access here.

November 18, 2020 - Library Innovation in COVID Times

Oregon libraries of all types are responding to the challenge of service during COVID times with a wide array of innovative programs and services. Innovation may include new services, but can also mean offering traditional services in different ways. 

State Library staff have been collecting stories and want to celebrate the great work happening in the Oregon library community. In this session, Buzzy Nielsen and Arlene Weible will share examples and help participants connect with other library staff to learn more about how they may implement these ideas in their own community. Please come and share your own innovation stories or just listen and gain inspiration from your library colleagues across the state.

Video recording: YouTube or Niche Academy; download presentation (with embedded links) 

October 20, 2021 - Virtual Programming Meetup  

Have you been working to maintain connections to your community virtually? Would you like some ideas and strategies?  This recorded session has your colleagues taking virtual programming in a variety of directions. From digital rooms to recorded demos, staff are working to help community members feel connected to the library in tangible ways. Each panelist briefly shared about a virtual strategy their library is using and there and at the end of the session, audience members were able to share their own endeavors and ask questions. Greta Bergquist moderated. 


  • Carrie Bushman, Cook Memorial Public Library
  • Emily West, North Plains Public Library
  • Jolene Hall, Independence Public Library
  • Marian Rose, Seaside Public Library 

Video recording: YouTube or Niche Academy (with supporting resources)

September 29, 2020 - Virtual Meet-up with Library Support & Development Services

This is your chance to learn more about Library Support & Development Services and what we can do for your library. Hosted by the Library Support staff: Greta Bergquist, Ross Fuqua, Darci Hanning, Jennifer Mauer, Tamara Ottum, Arlene Weible, Ferol Weyand, and our new Program Manager, Buzzy Nielsen. Library Support provides services for all types of libraries in Oregon: academic, law, public, school, tribal, you name it! We will take a bit of time introducing you to our services and leave plenty of time for your questions. This session is useful to any library worker or supporter who’s interested in learning more about the State Library’s free services available to help make local libraries’ lives easier.

Video recording. Library Support and Development Services website. Contact Us web page.

August 7, 2020 - In partnership with OLA's Public Library Division: "Centering Race in Library Reopening: Opportunities for Systems Change".

Sonja Ervin, Equity and Inclusion Manager at Multnomah County Library, will talk about the work and progress Multnomah County Library has made with diversity, equity, and inclusion. She will also include things you can do at your library, no matter the size of your library. There will be time for questions and answers after her presentation. This presentation is free for all in the library community, and will be recorded for viewing at a later date.

Video recording (hosted in Niche Academy, no login in required) and the Presentation slides (PDF)

June 17, 2020: PL stats (COVID-specific) - an update

June 10, 2020: Check-In: How's It Going?

June 3, 2020: Unemployment and job-seeking services

May 27, 2020: Having difficult conversations with patrons

May 20, 2020: Reference during the pandemic: challenges and opportunities

May 13, 2020: Reopening Oregon (Governor’s Plan) and Libraries

May 6, 2020: Statistics - how to capture our work during the pandemic

April 29, 2020: Staging a return to library services: planning for a post-quarantine library

April 22, 2020: Services for Spanish speakers during COVID-19

PCI (People Connect Institute) Webinars

Each Wednesday from 11:00a - 12:00p PT, explore new, relevant topics during a live webinar from People Connect Institute. These webinars will also be recorded and available a few days later in the Oregon Library Staff Academy / PCI Webinars category. 

Request your registration links for these upcoming webinars. Note: all PCI Webinars (live and recorded) are limited to Oregon library staff, volunteers, board members, Friend and Foundation members.

May 15: The Change Factor: Unravel Drama, Shift Dynamics to Transform Thrive  

Imagine a future where "change" in your library is met with enthusiasm and viewed as an opportunity for growth. Dive into The Change Drama Triangle theory to unravel resistance and stagnation, understand the roots of change-induced drama, and learn effective defusing techniques. Then, discover the powerful impact of The Empowerment Triangle (TED) theory, a positive alternative to embrace. Along with real-life examples, you’ll get three essential practices for collaborative adaptation, triggering an optimistic ripple effect for you, your colleagues, and your library. Gain invaluable insights, proven practices, and strategic approaches to navigate change gracefully, purposefully, and positively. As a result of this program, attendees will: 

  • Understand the reasons change causes drama
  • Identify what The Change Drama Triangle entails
  • Embrace The Empowerment Triangle (TED) for positively impacting your choices and life
  • Apply positive practices to strengthen a thriving work environment

Presenter: Mj Callaway, CSP As a former corporate sales trainer and only award-winning woman sales executive to rank #1 nationally, Mj knows first-hand the disruptions professionals, managers, and executive teams handle daily. Yet, they still need to be positive and productive.  She blends her experiences together, sales, speaking and journalism, to create interactive and impactful workshops. With more than 2,000 articles published in consumer magazines under her pen name, she's interviewed hundreds of people from youth entrepreneurs to CEOs to non-profit founders to professional athletes. She has a unique ability to make others feel like they're talking to a friend. Mj is a two-time cancer survivor, certified virtual presenter, and past-president of the National Speakers Association Pittsburgh Chapter.

May 22: Should You Overcome or Embrace Imposter Syndrome?  

The imposter syndrome occurs when we doubt our abilities, talents, skills, and accomplishments despite evidence of our success. There is a lot of discussion around overcoming imposter syndrome. But did you know there are benefits of imposter syndrome? Join this discussion of what it is, how it can be beneficial, and how you can manage and tame it. As a result of this program, participants will be able to describe two benefits and deterrents of imposter syndrome and name three strategies for taming imposter syndrome

Presenter: Laura Greco, RN, MEd is a certified wellness coach and speaker who facilitates learning and changing habits. She helps professionals eliminate burnout, manage stress, create life balance, and rekindle their sense of purpose and joy. Self-care (body, mind, and spirit) is the basis for well-being and we all have the capacity to make positive lifestyle changes are 2 of her foundational beliefs.

May 29: 7 Ted Talks You Should Watch After This Webinar and Why 

Ted Talks are educational, entertaining, timely and sometimes stretch your thinking, beliefs and opinions on a variety of topics. They are free to access and easy to share with your coworkers, friends and family. Ted Talks can be used as tools for self-growth and as an opportunity for your team, department and organizational learning and development. With the nearly impossible task of choosing only seven Ted Talks to discuss in this hour, Andrew and Holly will share their takeaways from the talks and also explore why you should watch Ted Talks to boost your self-awareness and to be more mindful of the magical world around you.

Presenter: Andrew has been developing and conducting training programs for library organizations for more than twenty years. He has presented Web-based, On-line, and Face-to-Face sessions on Customer Service and Communication Skills in the U.S. and many countries around the world. Andrew’s programs are filled with proven techniques that attendees can immediately apply with their difficult and challenging customer behaviors. He is the past president of the Haywood County Library Board of Trustees in Western North Carolina.

June 5: Marketing Your Collection, Services, and Programs with Better Book Displays 

Any library worker can be a hero and use book displays or online book lists to market their library's collection, revealing the hidden gems on their shelves and introducing patrons to materials they may have missed. In addition, book displays, both in the library and online, can be used to market programs, partnerships, and library services as well. Attendees will learn how to craft displays and lists that are effective in promoting the theme or message behind the display.

Join Passive Readers’ Advisory expert Lila Denning for an hour of all the ways that you can promote your library’s collection with better book displays. Book displays are a fun, creative marketing technique that any library can use.  She will show you how to create book displays that will draw readers in and help them to find those titles that don’t get enough attention.  Attendees will learn how to:

  • Understand what are the features of a great book display and how to craft them with a focus on marketing your collection
  • Discover ways to use book displays to promote services, ongoing and special programs and events
  • Identify opportunities to fit in book displays all over your building, even in smaller libraries with limited space

Presenter: Lila Denning is a librarian in Florida specializing in Passive Readers Advisory for patrons of all ages. She is the acquisitions coordinator for the St Petersburg Library System and has worked in circulation, reference, and youth services. She serves the volunteer coordinator for the Horror Writers of America. You can find her on Twitter @Vantine and on BlueSky On her blog,, she talks about ideas for book displays and other forms of Passive Readers Advisory and how to best use it to serve your patrons.

June 12: Adult Library Programs that Work

Looking for program ideas to draw your adult patrons in the door of your library and keep them coming back for more? Join author and library director Jenn Carson to explore workable program models that can be adapted to your patrons and your physical (or virtual) space. Topics include something for everyone, with sections on Food & Drink, Arts & Crafts, Books & Writing, Technology & Media, Health & Wellness, Business & Finance, and Nature & Gardening. Attendees will:

  • Discover who you really think an "adult" is and how you can serve them
  • Walk away with at least 3 new ideas that will work for your audience, budget, and space
  • Learn how to tackle logistical issues like administrative buy-in, finding funding, accessibility, marketing, and legal matters
  • Understand the importance of community partnerships in program planning

Presenter: Jenn Carson is the Director of the LP Fisher Public Library and the creator of, a popular, non-profit resource dedicated to educating librarians and teachers about creating yoga and meditation programs in public, school, and academic libraries. In 2016, Carson received the Innovation Award from the New Brunswick Public Library Service for her physical literacy initiatives. In 2017, she earned the Atlantic Provinces Library Association Memorial Award to create a website for physical literacy programming in libraries ( and was declared a “remarkable woman making a difference in Atlantic Canada” by Amplify East ( She is the author of three books and numerous chapters and articles on library and community services and you can find out more about her work at

June 26: Appy Hour with Kira and Holly

Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a productivity guru, or simply curious about the latest app trends, join us for an engaging and interactive webinar where we dive into the world of apps. In this session, we will explore a curated selection of twenty apps handpicked by Kira and Holly. We will be featuring a variety of apps during the webinar, with some being recommended for your practicality and excellence, while others have been selected to inspire interesting conversations and diverse viewpoints. This blend ensures that our session will not only introduce you to valuable apps but also encourage engaging discussions and the sharing of different perspectives among participants. Be ready to share your favorite apps with fellow participants and get inspired by new recommendations from others.

B.Y.O.B. – Bring Your Own Beverage and Appytite!

Presenter: Kira Smith is a Virtual Reference Specialist for Florida's Ask A Librarian service and helps coordinate Florida's statewide delivery service. With Master’s Degrees in Library Science and Education, Kira brings a strong educational foundation to her work. She is passionate about helping people find the information they need. Additionally, she freelances as a research consultant for journalists. Her background includes experience as an elementary school teacher and childbirth educator. Kira's interests lie in teaching, technology, and travel. She is also an aspiring prompt engineer, and she is excited to see what the future holds for this emerging field.

Presenter: For over thirteen years, Holly Klingler has been training people in a variety of career fields on how to maximize their communication, creativity, and critical thinking skills.  She has presented at the Akron Women’s Bar Association, the Ohio Certified Public Accountants Annual Conference, the Hudson Job Corp., and has trained library staff for over twelve years, eight of which were as the Continuing Education trainer at the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System. 

She teaches valuable techniques to help professionals showcase their strengths, sharpen their skills, and grow both their abilities and confidence. Holly has a Master of Arts degree in Philosophy, a Masters of Library and Information Science, and a certification in nonverbal analysis. She is also a certified Career Development facilitator and an MBTI Certified Practitioner and Facilitator.

July 10: Recharge Your Energy: Refill Your Cup, Reignite Your Power  

Are there times when you're full of energy, yet others you feel you're barely making it through the day? Explore the four distinct levels of energy that shape your daily experiences and gain insights into how they impact your well-being and productivity. You'll be able to pinpoint where your energy thrives and where it falters through a self-assessment. In this program you'll get five practical strategies to replenish your energy reserves and reignite your enthusiasm for life, and three actionable techniques to cultivate and spread positive energy in your workplace. As a result of this program, attendees will:

  • Discover the four energy levels shaping your well-being and productivity
  • Identify energy gains and drains through a personalized self-assessment
  • Decode subtle body language cues, signaling low energy
  • Implement five practical strategies to replenish your energy reserves
  • Apply three simple techniques to cultivate positive energy in your workplace

Presenter: Mj Callaway, CCMS, MCVP, CSP As a former corporate sales trainer and only award-winning woman sales executive to rank #1 nationally, Mj knows first-hand the disruptions professionals, managers, and executive teams handle daily. Yet, they still need to be positive and productive.  She blends her experiences together, sales, speaking and journalism, to create interactive and impactful programs. She has a unique ability to make others feel like they're talking to a friend. Mj is a two-time cancer survivor, certified virtual presenter, and past-president of the National Speakers Association Pittsburgh Chapter.

July  17: A Mindful Approach to Stress  

Like most people, you probably have a lot going on and good reasons to feel distressed. Being stressed from time to time is actually normal and healthy. The problem is when it is ongoing and chronic. Not only does it feel incredibly uncomfortable, but stress can cause numerous serious health conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, insomnia, memory loss, anxiety and depressive disorders. The good news is that with modern technology, we can understand the nature of stress and find skillful ways in reducing or even preventing it. Some of this requires lifestyle changes, but a lot of it has to do with how we perceive and relate to what is happening and how we choose to respond. Join us in this webinar to learn more about the science of stress and how to use mindfulness as a tool to reduce its grip on your day to day. As a result of this program, participants will:

  • learn how to discern between healthy and toxic stress
  • understand the physical mechanism of stress and how this can lead to disease
  • investigate what causes stress and how to create more supportive conditions to keep it from arising
  • practice how to be with and attend to stress more mindfully
  • explore meditation techniques to reduce anxiety and overwhelm

Presenter: Aiko is certified by Mindful Schools and trained in Nonviolent Communication through BayNVC. She also leads professional development workshops and mindfulness classes within the California Library System and was invited to present at 2021 Future of Libraries Conference. For more information on Aiko’s work please visit or contact

July  24: Setting Boundaries with Patrons

Boundaries and limit setting for patrons at public libraries can prevent library workers from feeling drained at the end of a workday. When healthy boundaries are set, it helps us manage our own frustration or anger instead of feeling as if there is a loss of control. This session will teach participants not only how to identify when patrons blur the lines of professional and personal boundaries in the library, but how to work through the common boundaries issues that are faced when dealing with the public. As a result of this program, attendees will:

  • Define and understand the importance of boundaries and limit-setting
  • Learn how to identify and understand most common situations when patrons blur professional and personal boundaries
  • Gain practical tools to set limits and to deal with patrons who cross the boundary lines when visiting libraries
  • Learn de-escalation techniques when dealing with difficult patrons
  • Learn new techniques to take care of themselves during and after these uncomfortable encounters

Presenter: Nicole T. Bryan is the Branch Manager of the Macon Library at Brooklyn Public Library. She spent some of her career within the social services arena, developing programs and meeting constituents’ needs. Currently, she assesses the delivery of library services to diverse populations in public library branches and homeless shelters in Brooklyn, N.Y. Nicole was just awarded the 2023 Woman of Distinctions award from the 56th District Assemblymember. Nicole received her MLS degree from Long Island University and has been working in the library field for over 20 years.

PCI (People Connect Institute) Webinars - Archived

Recorded webinars are available to staff, volunteers, board members, and Friends and Foundation members of Oregon libraries through the Oregon Library Staff Academy. Need access? Please use this request form and select "I would like access to: The Oregon Library Staff Academy".



From the OLA EDI and Antiracism Special Committee:  

EDI Antiracism Toolkit Now Available:

PLD Director's Training Session on the EDI Antiracism Toolkit, recorded on 1/29/21 (YouTube, approximately 2 1/4 hours).

Be sure to visit the OLA EDI Antiracism Committee web page.